Interactive Zoning Map

Search individual property zonings by entering the address or PID of the lands in question


Zones VS Designations

Zones and designations are two different ways we create and control the way land is used in Cumberland county

Zones regulate the specific uses and requirements for development.

Designations define and regulate the general nature of the intended use for land.

Rezoning is a process where the zone of a specific property zone is changed to better suit the intended use.

Land can only be rezoned to zones within the zoning designation. To rezone lands to a zone in a different designation, a change in the MPS map is needed.


The Zones of Cumberland County

Non-Conforming Structures and Uses

When there are changes made to specific zones in the LUB, some properties can end up becoming non-conforming in use or in structure.

A non-conforming structure or use is a structure or use that is not permitted, according to the current Land Use Bylaw, however if the structure or use predates the policy preventing it, then it is “grandfathered in” and can continue to exist.