Council Meetings are typically held the fourth Wednesday of every month, in the Upper Nappan Service Center Council Chambers. These meetings are typically open to the public and are live streamed the Municipality of Cumberland County Facebook page.
If you wish to speak or make a presentation at the next council meeting, contact for information on how to be added to the agenda.
Council Meetings are live streamed through the Municipality of Cumberland County Facebook Page. Follow the link below to view the stream.
** SCROLL DOWN to find documents for ongoing and past planning proceedings.
there are a variety of types Planning and development of proceedings, all serving different functions…..
Public Hearings are a mandatory part of the planning process for any planning application in which the council is voting on. Public hearings are open to the public and provide the ideal opportunity for residents to voice their opinion on specific planning projects.
Open House are informal meetings where residents are given the opportunity to shape the development of new policies and plans for the municipality.
Notice of Adoption is an official memo that informs the public of a plan or policy that was recently approved by the council for adoption. Notices of Adoption can be found in The Casket, a locally circulating newspaper for Cumberland County. The publication of a notice is the marker for the beginning of an appeal period. For 14 days after the Notice of Adoption is published, residents can submit an appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB)/
Readings is the legal term for presenting a case to council. Whether it is a proposal for a rezoning, an amendment, a site plan, or a development agreement, anything going to be voted on in council must undergo a first AND second reading. After a second reading, council will make the final decision to approve or reject the proposal.
Planning Notice Board
*** Due to recent changes to the Municipal Government Act, official planning notices will be posted to the Cumberland County website, as a provincially approved method of public notification. ***
Recent Approvals
Past Proposals